we are ready to Help You Make a More Significant Impact In business!


We endeavor to build a better world through equity, transparency, humanity, and common ground.

Educa Consulting’s purpose is to use research and evaluation to improve life outcomes by partnering with community to raise public awareness of the issues that impact all our lives, while shining a spotlight on the throughline that connects us all.


Educa Consulting transforms knowledge, inquiry, and wonder into the currency we leverage to co-create a better world for us all.

Educa Consulting’s mission is to work alongside community to build the world we all want and deserve. This is an effort we are destined to achieve together. At Educa, we operate guided by the principles of transparency, inclusion, and egalitarianism. This means that we engage in straightforward communication with all our project stakeholders, trusting them with the truth.

We value comprehensive collaboration, taking the time that is needed to cultivate trust. At Educa, we dispel the myth of scarcity and “zero-sum” models that reinforce the expectation of ‘haves and have nots”. Being solution-focused is just the start. Recognizing that each of us holds the answers to bringing forth these solutions is where our power lies. Power to the people! Power through the people!


About the Founder

Educa Consulting’s founder and principal researcher, Dr. Kimberly Harris is a researcher and evaluator, trained in culturally responsive and equitable methodological approaches. A North Carolina native, Kimberly is a proud UNC-Chapel Hill and NCSU alumnus. As a trained economist with an MBA, Dr. Harris brings a systems approach to research and evaluation projects which span issues of food justice, food sovereignty, housing, wealth disparities, and workforce development.

Dr. Harris’ fervent belief in the expression that “nothing about us, without us, is for us”, is what drew her not only to culturally responsive and equitable approaches, but to also build upon these approaches with liberatory techniques that centers community voice, facilitates community capacity building, and seeks to move at the pace of community will.


Dr. Harris brings a systems approach to research and evaluation projects which span issues of food justice, food sovereignty, housing, wealth disparities, and workforce development.

In addition to her work in the food justice space, Kimberly has over a decade of experience working with adult learners in the Workforce Development space. She has conducted extensive career and technical education (CTE) research and served as an adult education professional. She is skilled in mixed, qualitative, and quantitative approaches – including quasi-experimental methodologies. Her independent research projects included: postsecondary decision-making, workforce development, social capital, cultural capital, and student learning outcomes. Dr. Harris has co-authored publications in journals such as Journal of Global Scholars and Marketing Science, Journal of Managerial Issues, Journal of Negro Education, and Science Education.